Young Women for Awareness,
Agency, Advocacy & Accountability

“Through YW4A, young women have the opportunity to take part in several activities that help young women develop a better understanding of the obstacles and problems that they face in society…I hope that we, as young women, reach a point where we are able to lead change, contribute to raising awareness of women’s issues, and train other young women who need to know and demand their rights and protect themselves,”

Wallah, 23, Ramallah, Palestine.

The YW4A Initiative’s strategic objective is to defend and expand the fulfilment of young women’s rights to dignity, bodily integrity and equal participation in decision-making, through the implementation of gender-just policies and laws in Egypt, Kenya, Palestine and South Sudan.

YW4A supports the agency and capacity building of 17,540 young women and 27 women’s rights and faith-based organisations in Egypt, Kenya, Palestine and South Sudan. The objective to enhance their individual and collective transformative actions to advocate and hold decision-makers accountable for women’s rights. This is to be achieved through four interconnected and intrinsically linked pathways.



🌟 We're Hiring! 🌟

The World YWCA is seeking consultancy services to develop a short documentary on the #YW4A initiative.

📆Deadline: 09 August 2024

🌟 The #RiseUp! Transformative Leadership training, combined with Psychological First Aid, is making a significant impact on young women. It equips them with the knowledge, skills, and legal information needed to protect their bodily integrity and amplify their voices.

🙌 Transformative Highlights:

🔎Young women in Giza, Egypt, are embracing new opportunities and expanding their horizons.
📚Families are seeing positive changes in their daughters and are supporting their new opportunities.
📢Young leaders in Women’s Rights Organizations are applying their leadership skills and sharing their knowledge effectively.

One inspiring example: A participant from Cohort Two used the understanding gained from the training to protect her daughter from #FGM. 👏

These outcomes highlight the vital role of the RiseUp! Leadership training in driving positive change at the individual, family, and community levels, contributing to a more equitable society. 🌍

Read more:

#EndSGBV #YoungWomenLead #YW4A

🌟 We're Hiring!🌟

The World YWCA is seeking consultancy services or individual applicants to develop a short documentary on the #YW4A initiative.

📆 Deadline: 09 August 2024

💬 Stories of young women evolving to being transformational leaders, overcoming cultural barriers to achieve their career goals, recognising and boldly speaking out against sexual harassment, and taking leadership in their spaces were the highlights of our latest meeting in Meru County! 🌟

Hosted by Inua Mama Mjane, the hashtag#YW4A initiative brought together diverse stakeholders, including religious actors, county and national government officials, and teachers, alongside our young women leaders, to showcase its profound impact.Young women are stepping up to be influential leaders, and we are proud to share their journey! 👏

#YW4A #Leadership #SpeakOut

Faith to Action Network Equality Now KIT Royal Tropical Institute Young Women's Christian Association – YWCA Kenya YWCA Palestine Ibrahimia Media Center – مركز الإبراهيمية للإعلام

🌟 We're Hiring! 🌟

The World YWCA is seeking consultancy services to develop a short documentary on the #YW4A initiative.

📆Deadline: 09 August 2024

Samia Aboul el Fotouh, a lawyer and human rights activist from Alexandria, Egypt, shares her incredible journey and the challenges she faces defending women’s rights.

🗨️ “Attending the training programme greatly opened my horizons. Thanks to the programme, I built a wide network of relationships with people from other countries. I shared and exchanged experiences and practices regarding the process of raising awareness about the laws and the rights of women.”

Find out how the #YW4A programme supported her journey and learn more about her impactful work on women's rights and #familylaw in #Egypt. 🌟

🔗 Discover her story:


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The programme, led by the World YWCA, is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, by a consortium of eight core partners and 22 local women’s rights and faith-based organisations.

Read intergenerational opinions and stories of young
women and women driving social change for gender
equality, leadership and eliminating SGBV