My heart bleeds.
It bleeds severely for the poor South Sudanese girls
That have been sealed in cultural norms.
Forced, pushed and threatened into early marriages
By their greedy parents.
A South Sudanese girl is like a cloth in the market
Ready for sale to anyone
That has the desired price
She’s an asset, a symbol of wealth for a man
She’s seen as nothing
But a current asset, tor whichever man that knocks,
Whether rich or poor, dumb or mute, literate or illiterate
The doors are opened to them
She’s sold to the man
So long, their greed is satisfied
By the man.
My heart is restless
No one understands the
Rights of a South Sudanese girl.
No one understands her feelings.
Her feelings are less considered and denied.
Let’s all try to put ourselves in her shoes.
For they are entitled to their basic rights,
For they deserve to be heard and understood.
Let’s all try our best to help our sisters and daughters
For they have a future to establish and make great
Let’s all do our parts in their lives
For the betterment of all lives.
They are girls, not brides!