As a co-host of the 2023 Inter-religious Convention in South Africa, the World YWCA played a pivotal role in shaping discussions at the intersection of faith and feminism and providing a space for YW4A partners and stakeholders to connect, network, and engage with one another.
The organization led a roundtable discussion on the intersection of faith and feminism, themed “Harmonizing Faith and Feminism: Facilitating Change with Transformative Tools.” During the session, two pivotal tools, the RiseUp! Young Women’s Leadership Training Manual and the Feminist Consultation Methodology, were showcased. These tools play a central role in gender transformative programming and research, particularly within the framework of the Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy, and Accountability (YW4A) initiative’s Pathway 2. The discussion spilled over into a fireside chat the following day due to piqued interest from participants.
World YWCA, as the YW4A Consortium Lead, also convened a social hour for all the YW4A partners and friends attending the Convention. The social hour was held on the evening of the first day of the Convention, and set a foundation for YW4A stakeholders’ meaningful engagement throughout the rest of the Convention. By initiating these conversations early on, the social evening created an atmosphere conducive for ongoing dialogue and collaboration during the Convention and beyond. The social hour enriched the overall experience, facilitating a sense of community among those dedicated to the YW4A programme and its objectives.
See below a collection of moments during the discussion session, the fireside chat, and the social hour.