The Global Conference on Women’s Rights in Islam (GCWRI)

The Global Conference on Women’s Rights in Islam (GCWRI) is scheduled from May 14th to May 16th, 2024, at Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (UNISA), Indonesia.
The conference has the following objectives:
- To learn from one another’s experiences and share learnings in promoting women’s rights in Islam.
- To inspire each other to organize regional and international faith-based initiatives aimed at advancing women’s rights in Islam.
- To equip advocates of women’s rights with knowledge and information to fight for the promotion of women’s rights in Islam
- To produce an outcome document to be used by faith-based advocates when targeting faith-inspired decision-makers in developing policies and strategies.
Speakers at the conference include leaders from Muhammadiyah, Faith to Action Network, Rector, Authors from Al Azhar University, Authors from Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah, Authors of practical papers, and other religious/faith scholars. Speakers include, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir (Muhammadiyah), Peter K. Munene (Faith to Action Network), Zuriani Zonneveld (Muslims for Progressive Values), Prof. Alimatul Qibtiyah (Author, LPPA, UIN Sunan Kalijaga), Prof. Ibrahim el-Hod Hod (Al-Azhar University), Judge Somoud Al Damiri (Sharia Court of Appeal Palestine), Canon Grace Kaiso (Uganda Joint Christian Council, Uganda) among other esteemed speakers.
Expected participants include Muslim theologians, Muslim intellectuals, representatives of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah universities, Muslim organizations, Muslim faith leaders, Muslim CSOs, leaders of women’s rights institutions, and other religious/faith scholars.
Participants are required to pay a registration fee, covering accommodation at the SM Tower and Convention, meals during the conference, transportation, and an optional city tour. Contact organizer for more information.